Sneak Peak //

Hickey family

Snells Beach, New Zealand

Do you every meet someone new and instantly connect with them? As if you've known them forever, and the more you talk, the more you realise how much you have in common?

This is what that session felt like. Although I have known this family for a few months, this was the first time I had visited their home - and it honestly felt like I had been there many times before. The fairy lights strung overhead, the potted plants sprinkled about, and the warm sunny colours that decorated the space, I could feel the love and energy that had gone into this home.

The time I was there truly flew by as I felt like just another member of their family. We jumped on the trampoline, played in the sandpit, peeled hand picked oranges, shared glasses of coconut water, and played in the most gorgeous sun-soaked play room.

The highlight were the homemade unicorn popsicles and chocolate covered bananas at the end of the session. Time to invest in some popsicle moulds of my own...