Morning in the Life //

Avard Family

Point Wells, New Zealand

Arriving at the Avard family home on Sunday morning, I was instantly greeted with the delicious smells of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. Their second breakfast of the day, which is a common tradition for the Avard's. The children snacked on cucumber sticks and ice cubes on the kitchen bench as their father finished off the final touches to their meal. Finally they all sat down at the table and enjoyed their breakfast together.

After a quick play in the living room, the kids got dressed and picked out their bike of choice to go on a family adventure to the playground. Along the way they flew foam gliders, road their bikes through puddles, had a few cuddles, and stopped to say hello to the fairy house in the trees.

We then arrived at the playground which was perfectly situated on the waterfront. The tide was low so they were able to extend their play out onto the marshy ground, which was the perfect runway for the foam gliders (much to the delight of the dad).

After the playground we made our way back to the house, where the kids enjoyed their well deserved popsicles (and for me, a soy flat white). I loved that this session kept me on my toes and introduced me to a new playground that I will definitely be bringing my kids back to!