5 reasons a documentary family photographer is right for you

So, you've decided to take the step to document your family... but don't know where to start. You've seen hundreds of photos of families wearing flowing dresses on the beach, smiling happily at the camera, holding hands and giggling effortlessly at each other - yet, something doesn't resonate with you. The images are gorgeous, but not for you and your family.

Introducing ... documentary family photography! A beautiful way to capture what your life truly is like, in this moment. An unposed and unfiltered documentation of your day, showcasing what makes your family uniquely you. If you're on the fence on wether or not this style is right for you, read through my five reasons below. And if you're still unsure, send your questions through to me at hello@annmariedawnphotography.com - I'd love to hear from you!

1 // You're not keen on posing for photos

Documentary photography is completed unposed, natural, and true to your selves. There is no need to coordinate outfits, purchase anything new, or leave the comfort of your home. I want to see your toddler who loves getting dressed themselves, even if it's not perfect. I want to see you in the outfit you feel most comfortable in, not an outfit rented from Designer Wardrobe. I want to see what your family actually does together, not what you're directed to do. Your every day lives are special, and deserve to be documented exactly as they are.

2 // You're worried your kids won't cope / behave / participate

The best part of documentary photography is that you don't have to force your kids to do anything! No standing in one place for an extended period of time. No wrestling children to get dressed and out the door. No words of bribery, hoping they act in a way that is "acceptable." I want to see every quirk of your family and children - the laughs, the tears, the messy faces, the tantrums. This unfiltered perspective is what initially drew me to documentary photography, as I loved capturing the true personalties of my kids as they grew.

3 // Your house isn't perfectly tidy

Say goodbye to the insta-worthy, colour-coordinated, perfectly curated homes. Instead, show me the lego spilled out on the floor as your kids build their own creations. Show me a dining table littered with markers, crayons and scrap paper, as you peak inside the creative minds of young children. Show me a kitchen sprinkled with flour, as you bake a batch of homemade muffins together. I know how unrealistic and daunting it can be to keep your home tidy - so let me free you of that guilt and tell you it is absolutely not necessary!

4 // You want to remember how your life really was (not how you wished it to be)

When you're in the thick of motherhood, life can feel really isolating, and really (really) hard. Most days I struggle to see how special this season is, which is why I'm so glad I've taken every opportunity to capture these seemingly simple moments. Looking back at the images I've taken over the years I'm reminded of all the happy moments amidst the difficult ones, and can see from an outside perspective how beautiful these days are. Sometimes it just takes some space for you to be able to see that for yourself.

5 // You're a parent who wants to *finally* be in the images as well

I have a multitude of photos of my children with their father, grand parents, aunt and uncles, extended family, you name it... yet only a fraction of ones with myself in them. The person who spends the most time with my kids on a daily basis, and it feels as if I'm being left out of the memories. So, let me take your place and finally document the moments you wish your partner would! Let me show you how special you are to your children, and how much you do for them.